Advanced PDR Training

Better Skills = Better Repairs

Edgy-cation works with the top industry performers to provide the highest level of advanced skills training!

Better Skills = Better Repairs

We do not offer any beginning or basic training but are more than happy to discuss your situation and desires and recommend the best path or options for you.
What we do offer is super specific training courses where you will learn how to master the skills which may be holding you back or causing you to struggle. We want you to maximize your ability so you can command higher prices, land better accounts, and overall be happier and more successful!

Our PDR Trainers not only have experience and expertise, but they are still applying it in their own businesses!

We have learned that just because someone is the best at something doesn't necessarily mean they are the best at teaching or passing along the skill. This is why we hand picked our trainers and spend a ton of time and money 'training our trainers'!

Gator Worker

Don Kavanagh



Žan Vidic


Slovenia - Winner of many PDR Contests

Apply For Advanced Training:

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