Not all dent repairs are created equal, and neither are the tools. There are many tool companies, but we want to promise you something, we are not just here to sell you something. We care for our industry; we want to educate, uphold, and move things forward.
We love learning, creating, and having a good time at Edgy, and we would love to take some time out to help you with a few things about one of our products that you may or may not know.
Today we are talking about caps. (We aren't going to pop a cap in you. That's a 90's rap reference) but we are going to help you fix dents. Our tools are always designed to improve and speed up your work. Tools do cost money, but your biggest commodity is time, and we want to save you time, and therefore money.
So if you have been in this industry for five minutes, you know that long gone are the days of cars just being steel. Metal is continually changing, and every year, it evolves, like all good things. We used only to have to deal with steel, and now car companies are making cars out of high strength steel, aluminum, and other composites and metals. We all know about the aluminum vs steel study here. Check it out if you haven't ever seen it.
At Edgy, we learned the physics of dents after repairing them for years; we knew we could do better with the caps we use. We obsessed and designed three different caps in various styles to Caps take the pressure off quicker and smoother. If you are using the correct cap, you should move faster, displace a larger area back into the dent, and save time. Cleaner repairs, happier customers, more money, it's all-around just a win win.
Our caps are superior and unforgettable. If you look at this photo, you see a second step built into them where the bottom meets the metal it bottoms out and supports the entire side wall and the tip. This makes them stronger. A cap is a consumable. You will blow through them, but our design and the materials we use to make them are designed for them to last you a long time.
We could go on and on about the materials we use, the research we have done, and if you want to know all those things, feel free to reach out, but we think our friend Matt Moore at EZ Dent summed it up very well…
"Owning a business takes the right techniques, the right people, the right processes, and the right tools to ensure quality; I choose caps from Edgy.
I know that Edgy has variety and design that makes my team's repairs the best. Of course, skill comes into play during a repair but behind skill and knowledge come resources. I want my repair processes to be fluid and for my team to have the right resources to get the job done. Caps from Edgy are a go-to for the team at EZ Dent."